Artist's Statement: My recent work is a disquisition on our shared narratives which seeks to unravel the threads of a visual conversation by mediating clichés through a retro-reflective lens.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Artist's Statement: My recent work is a disquisition on our shared narratives which seeks to unravel the threads of a visual conversation by mediating clichés through a retro-reflective lens.

Artist's Statement (better explained): My name is Ada Jaworska, I am an aspiring photographer and printmaker. I currently go to York University for Fine Arts. My work revolves around the concept of secrets. 

I am constantly being reminded that beyond the rough exterior people put up, there is an interior that is hidden with many secrets and stories. In my work I try to shine the light on a person's secret without fully exposing it. To conceptualize this ongoing theme the materials used will be primarily using photography. Recently I've taken a hobby to creating typographic images.  

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